Some Extraterrestrial Messages on PINKWORK™ 's hard-copy Book

PINKWORK™ extraterrestrial messages 外星訊息 
all rights (c) pinkwork

You Human Species could explain this physical world in any way you like. You could say this Earth is the center of the Universe, all other planets are going around it. Your leaders could create their own scientific theories, then incite supporters chanting loudly they are all irrefutable truth. You could write your own religious texts and teach your species in the name of GOD. That all are matters among humans only.

The Truth of the Universe exists by itself eternally, would not change because of any behavior of you, just one of the numerous life forms in the Universe, and does not care whether you believe it or not.

more in my new bookNew Age人神秘經驗檔案》literally means "Files of New Age People's Mystical Experiences" in English.

Job will be an outdated concept !




於是,少數精英人類大力提倡教育,盡量延長人類的求學階段。他們常常說,只要平凡人不停讀書,有朝一日也可以成為精英。他們又怕平凡人智力不夠,會對求學失去興趣,貼心地將那些研究或學習題目,由數學性的,改成著重文學性和統計學性的。即是收集一堆堆數宇,經過簡單的加、減、乘、除運算後得出一個結果,再用文字寫成一篇篇空洞的分析文章。不少平凡人就這樣快樂地在校園中「學習」,度過了大半生 ... ...

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